Jun 26, 2020
Learn how to embrace change rather than flee from it
I have had the pleasure of interviewing Michael (Mike) Tate
once before on our podcast, in
March of 2019. He is a charming man who has a purpose and a passion
to help others find their way through often-challenging times.
Today's podcast focuses on his new book, "Roll Up Your Sleeves,"
a collection of common-sense approaches to managing stress that are
very helpful for leaders, in their careers and in their lives.
Career coaching is Mike’s passion and calling, and he loves helping
clients make their best next career move. Are you facing some big
changes in your work, your life? I invite you to listen in and
learn from Mike. He has great lessons for all of
Growth means change, which means
Whether you're moving to a new position, a better job or a new phase of your life, movement means change, and change is not easy. In the same way, guiding your team through change to a new, better place takes a vision, a plan and a process. As we tell our clients, if you need to change, have a crisis! For good or for ill, a big crisis is now here.
In our discussion today, Mike and I talk at length about the difference between change and transitions. Neither is easy but they aren’t the same. As we go through this period of chaos in the world today, we need to know what we are facing and how to navigate our way through it.
As culture change experts, we specialize in helping organizations that need or want to change. That's why so much of what Mike and I discuss today affirms what we at SAMC know so well: that change is hard, even painful, but these challenging times demand it.
In our discussion and in his new book "Roll Up Your Sleeves," Mike shares:
About Mike Tate
By way of consulting, coaching and writing, Michael Tate, MRE,
CMF helps leaders navigate change and transition. President of
On the Same Page Consulting,
Inc., a leadership strategy and career planning firm, Mike is
known for bringing his clients better results in less time. For
more than 20 years, he has been retained by boards and leadership
teams to clarify strategy and execute leadership succession, often
called in to be a confidential advisor to leaders who are facing a
significant change in their careers and their lives.
Mike is also the best-selling author of three books about living in a world
of constant change: "Design a Life that Works," "The White
Shirt" and his
recent "Roll Up Your Sleeves."
You can contact Mike at mike@michaelalantate.com, LinkedIn or his website.
Want to learn how to love change instead of avoid it? Try these
Additional resources