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On the Brink with Andi Simon

Feb 19, 2019

Listen now as Michelle Turman teaches us how to bring about innovative change to maintain growth!

Are you thinking about starting your own business? Maybe you're looking around the one you're in and want to run yours with better organizational skills? Are you “On the Brink” of launching a new venture that is truly a...

Feb 11, 2019

Listen now as Roger Nierenberg explains how The Music Paradigm helps you see your organization with fresh eyes!  

We are delighted to have with us today Roger Nierenberg, an exceptional conductor and innovator who has taken his musical passion and skills and become a “go-to” inspiration for businesses. Through the...

118: Roger Nierenberg—How Music Can Transform The Way Your Organization Functions

Feb 11, 2019

Listen now as Roger Nierenberg explains how The Music Paradigm helps you see your organization with fresh eyes!  

We are delighted to have with us today Roger Nierenberg, an exceptional conductor and innovator who has taken his musical passion and skills and become a “go-to” inspiration for businesses. Through the...

Feb 11, 2019

Listen now as Roger Nierenberg explains how The Music Paradigm helps you see your organization with fresh eyes!  

We are delighted to have with us today Roger Nierenberg, an exceptional conductor and innovator who has taken his musical passion and skills and become a “go-to” inspiration for businesses. Through the...

Feb 4, 2019

Listen now as Rob Westervelt explains how he dramatically changed one university's vision, finances and culture!  

Rob Westervelt is a visionary leader, an accomplished strategist and a leading innovator whose mission is to create brighter futures, faster. Robert A. Sevier calls him “One of the most forward-thinking...