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On the Brink with Andi Simon

Mar 31, 2020

Learn how to successfully adapt to working remotely!

In this time of uncertainty, with a global pandemic, what do you need to know from a podcast? Perhaps how to adapt to fast-changing times. We knew that this would be very timely when we recorded our interview with Teresa Douglas about how to work remotely and love it....

Mar 23, 2020

Hear innovative teambuilding strategies to get work done!

Peter and I know each other from our experiences working with a Michigan client and The Simon Initiative for Entrepreneurship at Washington University in St. Louis. Peter is a Professor of Practice of Strategy and Organizations at WashU's Olin Business School,...

Mar 16, 2020

Learn how to become a sought-after thought leader!

My guest today, Mitchell Levy, has a particular approach to capture those “aha” moments in life that at one time or another we all have. If you'd like to write a book but don't want to spend years doing it, call Mitch! His particular skill lies in extracting the...

Mar 12, 2020

Hear about the long-awaited healing power of telling your story

I met Ivy Gordon through my work as a speaker with Vistage International. But today’s podcast with her is less about her acumen as a business innovator or coach. Rather, she is on a mission to enable women to tell their stories about rape and...

Mar 9, 2020

Learn how to perform at your peak without making yourself sick!  

Marcey Rader changed her life and wants to help you do the same. During her 16 years in business, she always positioned herself as the go-to person to help staff become more efficient and productive. She ran 12 marathons, over 30 triathlons, and...