Nov 27, 2017
It is always so much fun to talk with other anthropologists and Jay Hasbrouck is no exception. Jay has written a terrific book called "Ethnographic Thinking: From Method to Mindset." It's exciting stuff because, as you will hear in our conversation, anthropology and ethnography (observational research) are slowly but...
Nov 20, 2017
Are you an entrepreneur or a CEO of a growing business? Do you work for one? You must listen to my interview with Lisa Perrine about how this accomplished CEO is growing her business by leaps and bounds, continuously adapting it for changing times. Her lessons-learned could really help you grow yours in today's business...
Nov 17, 2017
To coincide with Women's Entrepreneurship Day (Nov. 19th), today I want to talk about how women entrepreneurs and female CEOs are quickly and substantially changing the workplace, building great success stories you can learn from. As you know, I launched this On the Brink Podcast to help listeners see things with fresh...
Nov 14, 2017
I bet you are struggling with today's abundance of data, wondering how to make sense of it. In this podcast interview, Carmen Effron and I dig deeply into how data and the marketing strategies around it are being used by financial services, insurance companies and investment firms—Carmen's areas of expertise....
Nov 6, 2017
Get ready for the future that is just around the corner—the digital world that awaits us, tomorrow. In this podcast with Michael Gale, you'll be thoroughly excited by the digital revolution and how you can leverage its many opportunities, as revealed in Michael's new Wall Street Journal Bestseller book, "The Digital...