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On the Brink with Andi Simon

Oct 26, 2020

Learn how to find your "why," a key to happiness 

As you know, for our On The Brink podcasts I go looking for people who have a different perspective, something in their own journey that's worth sharing so you can learn from them and begin to think about yourself with some new, fresh ideas. Such a person is Matthew...

Oct 19, 2020

Hear why anthropology should be part of your business plan!

It was an honor to speak with Simon Roberts on our On the Brink with Andi Simon podcast. Simon is a highly regarded business anthropologist with his firm Stripe Partners, serving clients across the globe with effective, innovative ethnographic and...

Oct 12, 2020

Learn how to break through the clutter with your story

I met Dave Summers through Peter Winick’s roundtable for thought leaders. What a treat to get to know him. We spent our time talking about how you can build your brand digitally, creating a personality for yourself through social media. Quite quickly, social media...

Oct 5, 2020

Hear how to protect yourself from cybersecurity threats

We have done a number of podcast interviews on a topic that should be of great concern to you: cybersecurity. As an anthropologist, I am always fascinated by people’s habits. Your habits, as today's guest George Finney tells us, may make it easy for hackers to...